
The article expresses that decolonization and reinhabitation depend on each other. Throughout the article both are present because they are the goals/themes of the 10-day canoe trip for the Mushkegowuk Cree Nation of Fort Albany. Decolonization is seen through a) the teachings of the elders and other participants through teaching traditional ways of showing appreciation towards the land, b) through reconnecting with the nature of their traditional land and reclaiming it as an important pillar of their community, c) renaming certain sites, d) and it is in doing this that they hope to resist what has been decolonized from their culture. Reinhabitiation is seen in a) the plan to instill a sense of respect and ownership of the land, b) through mending the broken relationship with nature through making a conscious decision to appreciate and respect what is around them.

Throughout my life I have had many experiences with place. Coming from northwest Saskatchewan I have always found solace in the outdoors as I, essentially, grew up in the bush and surrounded by nature. I am an physical education major with a outdoor education minor and this subject fits directly with my emerging philosophy as a teacher. I plan to instill a sense of appreciation of nature in my students and teach them the respect needed to use of the land properly. It is my hope that through this they become lifelong movers in the outdoors, and come to see the beauty and feel the solace that I do. What can be gained from the outdoors is limitless, the key is developing the students awareness of it.

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